Family Therapy
The family unit is a unique system of shared values, beliefs and lifetime experiences. Everyone in the family system largely influences one another. Various types of families exist such as blended/step families or adoptive families. At times, families may get stuck in repetitive and dysfunctional patterns. Family therapy may help family members to improve their communication with one another, enhance parent-child relationships, normalize certain behaviors, and improve family resilience.
Children and adolescents who are seen on an individual basis are encouraged to complete a family therapy session or parent consult session. With young children, we conduct parent consult sessions without the child present. With older children and teenagers, family therapy sessions typically incorporate parent(s) and extended family members (e.g. grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins). During parent consults or family therapy sessions, the goals and progress of therapy are reviewed and evaluated by all parties. Future goals are also determined during these family sessions. Parents/guardians are provided with information regarding their child's treatment.
Please contact us today for a phone consultation to determine if our family therapy services meet your needs. We are happy to answer any questions, and help you and your family navigate through this time.